The Activities Committee of Beta Launch had its Game Night on the 31st of August, 2022. The Games comprised of Mortal Kombat, FIFA, Grand Turismo and Rocket League. Everyone had their game mode on, and it was a fun-filled night, with so much laughter and competition between our Beta Launch gang.
To give a delicious surprise to the team, we had a pizza party. We ordered a crazy number of pizzas with mind-blowing flavours. Unfortunately, we had a power cut during our game night. Still, our very own Head of Customer Research/CMO, Gavinda and his girl came to the rescue by leading a fun-tastic sing-along which lasted for a good one hour of catchy music, smiles and laughter that successfully got everyone grooving amidst the power cut.
After the sing-along sesh and pizza party, we resumed the game night. We finally had four winners for each of the four games. Our Associate Software Lead, Kaveen, was the champion for Mortal Kombat and FIFA. Our Discovery & Content Specialist, Ramiya, was the champion for Grand Turismo and our UX Designer, Niroshan, was the champion for Rocket League. Trust us, you don’t want to mess with these three when it comes to games!
We are glad to have ended the Game Night with so much fun and memories to cherish for a lifetime. This is one of the main reasons our very own Activities Committee of Beta Launch takes great pride in organizing such events for the team.
Stay tuned to see more of our fun events!