Beta Launch’s crew recently took a break from their work routine to celebrate the upcoming Sinhala and Tamil new year holidays with an evening of games, food, and singing. The night kicked off with exciting activities aimed at building team camaraderie, including balancing 11 nails on a single nail fixed to a block of wood. This required teamwork and sharing of ideas as it was new to most, but the solution was actually very simple.
The night continued with delicious food, drinks, and a fun sing-along sesh led by one of our own. The whole crew chimed in, making for an enjoyable and engaging evening. With new team members welcomed and a beloved team member saying goodbye, the night was filled with both laughter and tears.
We relish each moment that brings us all together and helps us build stronger bonds and work better as a team. The Pre-Avurudu Mixer was the perfect way to do this and a great way to start our 9-day traditional New Year holiday!